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There is Power in Reading

By Abdulhafiz Muhammad

Reading is an integral part of human life and is often considered to be one of the most significant ways to gain knowledge, perspective, and understanding about the world we live in. Philosophers throughout history have recognized the importance of reading in individual growth and the advancement of society.

One of the earliest advocates of reading was the ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates. Socrates believed that reading is critical in eliciting critical thinking and ideas. According to him, the reading process should be a dialogue between the reader and the writer, where the reader evaluates the writer’s ideas presented and analyzes them through critical thinking. Socrates also believed that reading and writing go hand in hand, and the two should be practised together, as writing helps solidify thoughts made while reading, and revising written thoughts is vital in shaping the truth.

Plato, Socrates’ most prominent student and philosopher, continued this belief in reading’s significance, noting in his work, “The Republic,” that we should seek knowledge through reading and reflection. Plato stressed that reading should not be just about words on a page but about seeking wisdom. Reading should challenge one’s perceptions and views and encourage one’s critical, analytical thinking.

In the 17th century, the French philosopher, Rene Descartes, also advocated for the importance of reading and even suggested developing a habit of reading to promote a healthy mind. For him, reading provided a space where readers could escape from their world and broaden their perspective of it. Descartes also emphasized the importance of making reading a regular habit, as he believed repetition could enhance one’s understanding of what is read.

Another prominent philosopher who stressed the importance of reading was German philosopher, Immanuel Kant. Kant believed that reading improves one’s ability to articulate thoughts, helping readers better understand and communicate their personal views. Kant also recognized reading’s crucial role in the development of critical thinking and how it challenged one’s understanding of the world.

Reading also has notable benefits for individuals who seek to develop their emotional well-being and mental health. For example, the American philosopher, Martha Nussbaum, discusses in her works the role of literature in illuminating the human experience and developing one’s sense of empathy. According to her, reading literature provides readers with an opportunity to feel and connect with the characters, allowing readers a deeper understanding of the characters’ plight and emotional state.

Moreover, reading can also be a powerful tool for self-discovery. The Italian philosopher, Umberto Eco, suggests in his works that reading allows us to discover our true selves and helps readers to understand and clarify their emotions, thoughts and actions. For Eco, reading is not just about learning what has happened in the past but also about understanding who we are and who we want to be.

In conclusion, reading is an essential habit, one that brings significant benefits to our personal, intellectual, and emotional development. The philosophy of reading has undergone significant transformation throughout history, from building critical thinking, to broadening perspectives, to facilitating self-discovery. Philosophers such as Socrates, Descartes, Plato, Kant, Nussbaum, and Eco have all recognized the importance of reading in our lives and have encouraged its practice. It ensures that our minds remain sharp and that we continue to learn and grow throughout our lives.

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