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The A-Z Of Personality Branding Part 2: OPTIMISM

By Emmanuella Edun-Adedeji

Optimism in a layman’s parlance, is simply the art and act of possibility and positivity thinking. It is seeing the good in even the worst situations; it is being quick to familiarize with positivity, no matter how grim a situation may be.

It was Napoleon Hill, of blessed memory, that said: “Every opportunity has a difficulty and every difficulty an opportunity”.

Someone anonymous also stated that your Perception is your reality.

An optimistic minded person sees the gain in every situation, rarely complains and is always on the lookout for something to learn through thick or thin.

Optimism is the necessary fire that burns out the dross, giving you a polished personality and a fulfilment of your anticipation(s).

You can either see a half-filled cup or a half-empty cup, an optimist in such situations will see a half-filled cup.

Optimism creates sunshine around a dark situation.

Optimism makes to become a solutionist. It takes a clear head to solve problems and optimism prevents a person from being under pressure, optimists live above pressure.

Optimism is also necessary to have a healthy physiological and psychological well-being. It is impossible to see an optimist depressed or contemplating/attempting suicide. Optimism gives a person the fortitude to quickly, instantaneously bounce back after a fall. Optimism is necessary for success in living and endeavors.

An optimist is never defeated or deflated. Nature gives way to resolute pressure, coming from those who must discover their hidden treasure(s)-PoetonicElla.

Winners don’t give up easily and those that give up easily don’t win, optimism gives the staying power necessary for the attainment of ones goals… Once there is a burnout, we primarily get discouraged and lose focus.

Life always gives the test before the lesson and it takes optimism to gain the significance of a lesson. Looking at the composition of the rose flower, non optimism will question why the rose has thorns, but optimism will be thankful that the thorns have roses.

Challenges are part of life’s stage and phase and it takes optimism to hold on till your anticipation arrives… An optimist is always joyful and grateful for the seemingly little blessings of life.

Concerning suffering loss, Mike Murdock said: “Don’t look at what you’ve lost, look at what you have left to work with”, it takes optimism to do that. The Harry Potter novel was initially rejected by 12 publishing firms before it was accepted by Bloomsbury, if its author J.K. Rowlings had lost hope, imagine the colossal loss she’d have set for herself.

Optimism makes to smile at the face of rejection and to bounce back after every fall, it prevents a person from being hard on oneself after a mistake was made, thereby giving the fortitude to make progress continuously. It is a much needed ingredient in the recipe for outstanding success and mental wellness.


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