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OPEC: Barkindo laments COVID-19’s global wave of shock

*Remark at today’s 133rd ECB videoconference

In December 2019, Member-Countries – together with partners in the ‘Declaration of Cooperation’ – proactively adjusted production by 500,000 b/d to a then-record 1.7 mb/d, Muhammad Sanusi Barkindo, Secretary General of OPEC stated today in Vienna, Austria.

In an opening remark at the 133rd Economic Commission Board videoconference, the OPEC scribe said the decision demonstrated the resolve of all participating countries to ensure market stability and predictability going into a new year – and indeed a new decade.

“But no one could have predicted the fast-moving situation that would transpire
with COVID-19. In a very short time, a wave of shock and mounting uncertainty
swept aside the hopeful start to the year and the new decade.

“At the 178th (Extraordinary) Meeting of the OPEC Conference on March 5th
and 6th, the full market impact of COVID-19 was unclear. In fact, the World
Health Organization (WHO) did not declare a pandemic until March 11th. Little did we know at the time that the epicentre of COVID-19 would make a dramatic shift from one continent to another, extending the economic destruction and oil market meltdown”, Barkindo added.

He said further that “over the past three months, we have experienced an economic and oil market collapse without precedent. Even the most pessimistic outlooks for 2020 that were discussed during the 132nd Meeting of this Board last November look a world away now. We are on a completely different page, given the economic and market realities we face today in the face of the tragic COVID-19 pandemic.

“Today, the fight against COVID-19 is far from over. We still do not know what
the future holds. With well over six million cases worldwide, and more than 370,000
lives lost so far, the risks of a sharper downturn remain until we have a safe and
effective means to protect against this deadly virus”, according to the OPEC chieftain.

Below is the full text of the opening remaek:

Distinguished Delegates and Colleagues,

Good morning and welcome to this 133rd Meeting of the Economic Commission
Board – our first meeting held by videoconference.

OPEC and its esteemed Member Countries have broken a lot of new ground
throughout the crisis spawned by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through virtual
meetings like this, we have ushered in the largest stabilization effort in oil market
history; carried out global discussions to expand knowledge and awareness about
the unprecedented economic and oil market challenges we face; held the 156th
Meeting of the Board of Governor’s just last week; and continue to maintain the
important day-to-day work of the OPEC Secretariat and the services we provide
to Member Countries.

Before I shed more light on these accomplishments and review with you the general market conditions, let me welcome the two newest members of the Board, Mr
Fernand Epigat of Gabon and Mr Mohammed Saadoon Mohsin of Iraq.
We look forward to your constructive contributions to this Board.

Esteemed Members of the Board, colleagues, In December, our Member Countries – together with our partners in the ‘Declaration of Cooperation’ – proactively adjusted production by 500,000 b/d to a then-record 1.7 mb/d. This decision demonstrated the resolve of all
participating countries to ensure market stability and predictability going into
a new year – and indeed a new decade.

But no one could have predicted the fast-moving situation that would transpire
with COVID-19. In a very short time, a wave of shock and mounting uncertainty
swept aside the hopeful start to the year and the new decade.

At the 178th (Extraordinary) Meeting of the OPEC Conference on March 5th
and 6th, the full market impact of COVID-19 was unclear. In fact, the World
Health Organization (WHO) did not declare a pandemic until March 11th. Little did we know at the time that the epicentre of COVID-19 would make a dramatic shift from one continent to another, extending the economic destruction and oil market meltdown.

Over the past three months, we have experienced an economic and oil market
collapse without precedent. Even the most pessimistic outlooks for 2020 that were
discussed during the 132nd Meeting of this Board last November look a world
away now. We are on a completely different page, given the economic and market realities we face today in the face of the tragic COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, the fight against COVID-19 is far from over. We still do not know what
the future holds. With well over 6 million cases worldwide, and more than 370,000
lives lost so far, the risks of a sharper downturn remain until we have a safe and
effective means to protect against this deadly virus.

Let me briefly highlight a few points of comparison using data from our last
meeting and the latest assessments we have before us today. In November, we projected global economic growth of 3.0% in 2020. Notably, there was a great degree of positivity among attendees at the World Economic Forum Meeting in Davos, which took place January 21st – 24th 2020.

Looking forward, various leaders and commentators were optimistic regarding the prospects for the global economy in 2020. How times have changed! We now expect a severe recession with the world economy shrinking by 3.4% this year, following global economic growth of 2.9% in 2019. All our Member-Countries are heading into recession. Subject to further lockdown measures and health-related developments, the risk to the global forecast remains skewed to the downside.

Seven months ago, we expected world oil demand to grow by 1.08 mb/d in 2020.
Our latest projection shows a historic decline of nearly 9.1 mb/d this year. The
worst impact is likely to be in the second quarter, mostly in OECD Americas and
Europe, with transportation and industrial fuels affected the most. Global demand
for the year is likely to be around 90.6 mb/d – with higher consumption expected
in 2H20 than in 1H20.

Furthermore, the current crisis is a serious blow to investment. The market
collapse has already pushed petroleum companies over the edge and poses an
existential threat to others in the oil industry.

We now expect CAPEX in non-OPEC countries to plummet by 23% y-o-y in
2020, to about half the $741 billion record set in 2014. This puts highly skilled
jobs, innovation and advances in efficiency at risk at a time when the industry –
and the global economy – need them the most.

For our Member Countries, the current circumstances and financial setback will
sharply curtail efforts to diversify, finance technological innovation, and invest
in the energy transition. As market conditions continued to deteriorate at the end of 1Q20 and the start of the second quarter, it became clear that urgent action was needed. Key stakeholders from around the world were lining up behind the DoC countries to support proactive, pre-emptive and decisive action to prevent a total market meltdown.

Between April 9th and 12th, we held two Extraordinary Ministerial Meetings
of the OPEC and non-OPEC countries in the DoC. In addition, we participated
in the Extraordinary G20 Energy Ministers Meeting (April 10th) under the able
chairmanship of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which holds the presidency of the
G20 this year.

Action was needed, and act we did. The production adjustments agreed at the April
2020 meetings, totalling 9.7 mb/d for two months, followed by phased reductions
in the adjustment levels over a further 22 months, were unparalleled in scope and
duration. The two-year period for output adjustments demonstrated the full
commitment of all stakeholders to achieve common goals. Some OPEC Member Countries – led by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, along with Oman – have gone further with additional.

voluntary adjustments of around 1.2 mb/d. These contributions helped to reduce
the risk of tank tops and offered fresh assurance and confidence to the market.
Another pivotal outcome of the April meetings has been the encouragement and
outpouring of support the DoC participants have received. This support came from
the very highest levels of government, and from the very largest global oil producers. The largest producers acknowledged their mutual interdependence, and the benefits of working together to return confidence to the global oil market.

In addition, we have seen commitments from independent producers, and
engagement from the G20 and other international bodies, on the need for
proactive and coordinated action to stabilize the world’s most important energy
source. There are stakeholders in Canada, Norway, Colombia, Brazil and many
other producing nations who have added their support to broader collaboration to
stave off further erosion of the market.
Following the April DoC meetings, we organized and hosted a series of virtual
round-table briefings with select energy policymakers and experts from
international institutions, consulting firms, the oil industry, the financial community and think tanks from around the world. These include CITI Group, IHS Markit, the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center, Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington D.C., and McKinsey & Company.

These roundtables also featured the European Commission; and oil consuming
countries, such as China and India. The discussions provided a productive and timely platform to exchange views on
the historic outcomes of the Ministerial Meetings, the unparalleled economic and
oil market conditions resulting from COVID-19, and the public health measures
taken to control the pandemic.

It is important to note that these roundtable briefings began during ‘Black April’, a month of strikingly unprecedented developments and extreme volatility. During the month, we witnessed the largest collapse in global oil demand of around 24 to 26 mb/d. And, of course, there was a day that shook the market to its foundations,
when on April 20th the price of NYMEX WTI in the futures market plunged by
$56/b to minus-$37.6/b, the first ever plunge into negative territory. In other
words, sellers were paying buyers!

The drop came one day before the expiry of the front-month May WTI contract,
amid low liquidity; a delivery problem for physical May crude at the Cushing hub
with traders rushing to reserve storage capacity given expectations that tanks would reach maximum capacity in the coming weeks; and with some speculators still holding open contracts scrambling to exit long positions. This all created a severe squeeze on the market. It has been described as “dramatic”, “scary” and “visceral”. WTI broke below $1, less than a half hour before the settlement, but in those final 30 minutes it dropped another $38!

The actions taken by OPEC+ in April stopped short the race to zero dollar oil.
The decision taken by our Members, and our partners in the DoC, has been pivotal
in reducing volatility and bringing back some semblance of stability to the market.
Holding the recent energy roundtables during such an exceptional time has proven to be of enormous strategic importance by drawing on the expertise of leading analysts, scholars and economists.

They have reinforced OPEC’s image as a
leading force in achieving a stable and secure energy supply for the world. They
have demonstrated again our desire to maintain the momentum in achieving broad and inclusive dialogue and cooperation. They have provided a deeper
understanding of the market and conditions affecting it. It was further noted during these productive discussions that the rebalancing process may be longer than anticipated under the prevailing uncertainties and downside risks, and given that global inventories appear to be continuing to build, albeit at a much lower rate than the record pace of late March and April.

The pace of the global economic rebound – particularly given the very uncertain
economic paths of the world’s two largest economies, the US and China – as well
as a recovery in global trade, will be central to the oil market’s revival.
It is clear that the post-pandemic world will be much different and require
thorough and forward-looking reflections. It will take time for a new equilibrium
to emerge, not only in terms of a balanced market, but among producing countries
as well.

No individual stakeholder can have all the answers. It is only by reaching out and
deepening the dialogue between reputable institutions that we can provide a better
and broader sense of the rapidly evolving energy landscape.

We continue to work closely with the International Energy Agency – including
regular consultations – and International Energy Forum to ensure open lines of
communication between producers and consumers. Together, we collaborate to
ensure access to accurate, timely and transparent data about the markets.
Let me also convey my gratitude to all the OPEC Member Countries for their
support, and their solidarity, throughout this unparalleled international emergency.

Moreover, it is a moment to pay our greatest respects to the governments of our
Member Countries on their extraordinary efforts to contain the pandemic that has
enveloped the entire humanity.

The challenges created by the COVID-19 tragedy will require special attention to
ensure that the OPEC Conference has access to quality and timely data, market
information, and fact-based assessments on current and projected conditions. In addition, it is essential that the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee of the
DoC is equipped with the latest and best information so it can make apt and timely
recommendations under rapidly changing circumstances. Strategic decisions can
only be made when underpinned by up-to-date and in-depth analysis. Indeed, the
link between transparent data and better predictability, and a secure and sustainable energy supply, will grow in importance in the months and years to come.

Esteemed Members of the Board, colleagues,

As you are aware, the deliberations and output from these Board meetings provide
the basis upon which key decisions are made by the Ministerial Conference. We
are constantly striving to improve our research and deepen our analysis to provide the best possible input to this Board.

I would like to thank the OPEC Secretariat Staff for their dedication and forbearance throughout this stressful emergency. I applaud all the work they put into ensuring that this and all the important business of the Organization takes place without interruption and in compliance with the Austrian government’s containment regulations. Work is in earnest to finalise the release of the 55th edition of the Annual Statistical
Bulletin and the 14th edition of the World Oil Outlook in November.

This year’s WOO extends the outlook by another five years, to 2045. It will feature
a chapter on the major uncertainties related to future oil demand and supply, taking into account factors such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A version of the WOO will be provided to the Special Meeting of this Board in September this year. Your valuable input will feed into the final publication of the WOO in early

I would point out that these are not only important sources of information for our
Member Countries. They are must-have publications for the industry, the media, analysts and many other stakeholders. Our publications – along with the regularly updated data and information that we make available through our website
– add enormous value to the Organization’s strategic outreach to the broader community. They also underscore our commitment to dialogue, cooperation and

As we approach the 60th Anniversary of OPEC in September, the Secretariat will
publish a tome on the history of the Organization to date. It will chronicle the
many great moments over the years – including the challenges we have overcome through cooperation, and the opportunities we have embarked on through shared purpose and vision. It will be a timely reflection of six decades of OPEC history in the year of COVID-19.

I am confident that this Organization will emerge from the current challenging
and unprecedented times more united, stronger and more forward-looking. We
are not out of the woods yet. But the historic OPEC+-led response to the current
crisis is already helping to reduce volatility, stabilize the oil market, and to provide a platform for recovery and growth in the coming months and years.

Our meeting this time is shorter than planned given the special circumstances and virtual environment.

We will also keep the presentations – which were shared with you in advance –
very focused to allow sufficient time for discussion. We will do our utmost to run
an efficient meeting in keeping with the schedule.

Thank you.

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