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Only God Can Save Italy As The Death Toll Rises

*The death toll in Italy is over 15k, and the President was seen crying in a video saying all plans to contain the virus have been exhausted, all that is left for them is up in the air sky


Now world powers believe that there is God, almost every field in Italy is turned to grave yard to the point that corpse is now being stored in Churches there cause the rate at which people are dying is now very high, both those trying to save lives are losing there’s, what more can Italy take, fears grip the number one in the country, how many more deaths can this country endure, no proper burial is given, everywhere is in lockdown in the country, no time to trade or go out to check for something.

Every citizen in Italy are afraid cause your next breath may be your last. The government are really trying but at this point all eyes must look up to the sky where God is cause he is the only one that can bring this to an end and people will be able to return back to there.

The number of deaths from the new coronavirus (Covid-19) in Italy rose to 17,127 patients on Tuesday, after 604 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours, while the total number of positive cases reached 135,586

At the daily press conference on the evolution of the pandemic in the country, the national head of the Department of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli, declared that the number of fatalities remains high for a single day. In addition, the total number of cases detected increased to 135,586 and 24,392 have been recovered.

However, the official acknowledged that the new infections were only 880, the lowest number since last March 10. So far, 28,718 people are in the ordinary hospital regime, 258 fewer than in previous days, and 3,792 in intensive care.

Previously, the government commissioner in charge of coordinating the logistics for the management of the health emergency, Domenico Arcuri, warned that the perception of a rapid overcoming of the epidemic is false.

He also stated that the positive signs of the last days are a breath of oxygen, although “the harsh reality is stronger than the numbers and speculation.”

In this sense, the official asked to be vigilant “to optical illusions and dangerous miracles”, since he emphasized that they are not “a few steps” from emerging from the emergency, but that “we are at the beginning of a long stage of transition to normality “

SOURCE: Opera News Hub

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