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Long queues in the FCT as Residents prepare for partial shut down

Long queues are beginning to appear in the Nigeria’s capital FCT as Residents prepare for the long week ahead

Just few days ago, the FCT Minister declared a partial shut down of the city, with religious centres such as Churches and Mosques to suspend all forms of worship to curb the spread of the Corona Virus.

Most filling stations along the Kubwa Express way in the FCT was either closed or packed filled with commuters scrambling to get the Premium Motor Spirit (popularly called Fuel or Petrol)

A taxi driver by name Musa was asked why he was patiently waiting in long queue at Shema Filling Station. His response was “Oga, I need to buy enough fuel because I do not know if Government have plans to close down all filling stations, so I need to buy enough fuel for my car and also some for my generator at home”

With the fuel price now at N125 and the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, the fuel stations will at this crucial time be regarded as an essential service and residents are calling on Government to make the product available in large quantity to make the stay home enjoyable.


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