Mental Health

By Adaobi Rhema Oguejiofor

It is a popular saying that health in itself is wealth and this health, doesn’t come cheap. There are prices to be paid. There are things to let go of and there are things as well as habits to build up as well.

Healthy living is important to everyone from adults to children as it leads to a happier, more productive, and more efficient life.

A lot of people feel that health only pertains to the body and organs and ignore the place of mental health.

Mental health according to the World Health Organization (WHO) refers “to the state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stress of life, can work productively and fruitfully and can make a contribution to his or her community”.

It includes the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of individuals which affects how they think, feel, act, handle stress, relate to others and make healthy choices.

Mental health affects the entire well-being of a person and is important at every stage of human life from childhood, adolesecence all the way to adulthood.

In the contemporary world, the term mental health/ well-being has been over looked and in some cases abused. It is often used interchangeably with mental illnesses and they are not the same thing.

A person suffering from poor mental health might not necessarily be diagnosed with a mental illness.

Although barely recognized in this part of the world, mental health is as important as physical health. For instance, depression which is a type of mental health disorder can trigger different types of physical health issues to arise in the human body. Particularly long lasting conditions like heart diseases and stroke. This is according to an article released by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) U.S.A on mental health.

According to WHO, mental health is a basic human right and is crucial to personal, community and social-economic development.

It is experienced differently by different people with a varying degree of distress, difficulty and a varying difference in social and clinical outcomes.

There are certain factors that can lead to mental health disorders and they include individual, psychological and biological factors such as emotional skills, genetics and substance use. This factor can make certain people prone to mental health issues.

Also, factors like poverty, violence, discriminations of any kind due to unfavourable social, economic, environmental and geopolitical circumstance can trigger risks of mental health issues.

These risks can show up at any stage of life, but those that happen at sensitive periods like childhood are very detrimental.

However, there are positive factors that can help to improve one’s mental health. Factors such as individual social and emotional skills, positive social interactions, decent jobs, quality education, great neighbourhoods and a safe community among other factors can help to strengthen resilience.

Also, some people exposed to these risk factors do not develop mental health conditions while some people who have not been exposed to these risk factors develop mental health conditions. Therefore the predictive strength of these risks is limited.

To prevent mental health disorders according to the mental health foundation, in England, people should learn to talk about their feelings to people that are willing to listen as it helps them feel supported and less alone. People should also endeavor to sleep and eat well. Lack of sleep can affect mental well-being and a balanced diet can improve moods and overall well-being.

It is also advised that people stay active as physical activities are good for the mind as well. People should keep positive friends and build healthy relationships and also care for others. Forgiveness is also a good way to stay mentally healthy.

The issue of mental health is very important, a healthy mind is equal to a healthy and productive person.
