Killer Diseases: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Solutions

Dr. Chidi Ngwaba

By Adaobi Rhema Oguejiofor

In the world today, certain killer diseases have become increasingly common as a result of lifestyle choices and environmental factors. These killer diseases include diabetes, dementia, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer. These diseases pose serious and significant health concerns globally, leading to increased mortality, disability, and high costs in the healthcare systems.

This article features detailed insights from a world-renowned lifestyle physician from London, United Kingdom, Dr. Chidi Ngwaba, who specialises in freeing people from both their disease and their medication. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Ngwaba offers valuable strategies for reversing and preventing these major killer diseases from occurring and taking centre stage.

Influenced by a passion for helping people who are worried about their health, Dr. Ngwaba employs a unique approach to prevention and healing through a system he calls “Life Colours.” In this system, each major lifestyle disease is attached to a colour. For instance, diabetes is purple, cancer is green, heart disease is red, hypertension is orange, and dementia is brown. This colour-coded system is based on all the research Dr. Ngwaba could find on each major illness.

In a Health Series hosted by Hope Channel Africa Media with the theme, “Hope for Africa” at Newlife SDA Church, Nairobi, Kenya, Dr. Ngwaba spoke on these killer diseases and how they can be reversed.

Heart Disease

According to the Dr. Ngwaba, heart disease remains the world’s biggest killer and to reverse it, one needs to have a healthy plant-based diet. He revealed that based on evidence gathered several years ago, by just changing one’s diet into a healthy plant-based one with no meat, milk or refined sugar, the arteries that are closing up within the human system can begin to open up.

The lifestyle physician noted that for him, it is rather miraculous that one of the biggest problems in the world in terms of health, can be reversed by just changing one’s diet. He guaranteed and assured that if patients with heart diseases adhered to and imbibed a healthy plant-based diet, they would not need to see a doctor again.

High Blood Pressure/Hypertension

Vis-à-vis the case of high blood pressure, which is a prevalent disease, Dr. Ngwaba stated that a plant-based diet is essential. According to him, the intake of healthy green vegetables works wonders in the arteries because they release a chemical called nitric oxide which opens up the arteries.

The Physician added that a healthy diet should be accompanied by physical exercise and the intake of a lot of water. He stated that water is the simplest thing a person can take to lower blood pressure. The absence of enough water in the blood, makes it thicken, similar to swimming in a lake of honey. As a result, one has to use a lot of energy to push blood around the system, causing the blood pressure to rise.

Erectile Dysfunction

Dr. Ngwaba said that those affected by erectile dysfunction are at a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke in 5 years. He recommended taking in a lot of green vegetables as the best thing to do to reverse the condition rather than reaching for pills.


On cancer, Dr. Ngwaba explained that because the disease loves sugar, one of the ways to reverse it is to totally eliminate refined sugar. Also, patients must have high levels of vitamin D. He recommended about 20,000 units per day along with a high dosage of vitamin C. According to him, during his medical practice, he has seen many people on a high dosage of vitamin C whose cancer got reversed, although it is not 100 percent guaranteed. He advised that it is highly important for those with cancer to first seek medical help from doctors and not just rely on the natural route because that will be dangerous. Rather, patients should seek medical attention and also change their lifestyle and diet because that way, they can have the best possible chance of surviving cancer as medical attention does not do everything.

Additionally, Dr. Ngwaba explained that people need to spice up their lives while trying to prevent and reverse cancer because natural spices are also natural drugs. He said that the more spices one has in his system, the better the cells function. Spices like turmeric, which is a powerful antioxidant reduces the risk of cancer. Also, ginger serves as an anti-inflammatory, while cinnamon helps to lower blood sugar and also fight off viruses. Cardamom is also a very good spice, which helps the body produce more white blood cells that help defeat cancer.


Dr. Ngwaba assured that diabetes can be reversed through a healthy plant-based diet. He noted that taking walks after meals is equally very important as they help body muscles absorb sugar very quickly to keep the blood sugar levels low and in check.


Dr. Ngwaba expressed that about 50 years ago, the African continent had little cases of obesity but with the importation of Western culture including Western food and lifestyle, the continent was exposed to obesity. To defeat it, he noted that one has to eliminate white food items like white rice, white flour, white pasta and white sugar.

He explained that white sugar activates the exact part of the brain that heroin does, which makes giving it up a bit difficult. But it is necessary and possible to give it up by gradually finding healthy replacements for it.


The lifestyle physician noted that to him, dementia is one of the most feared diseases around the world because it results in losing one’s memory and personality. But the good news is that it is a lifestyle disease and not a random one. He said that although there is a genetic make-up that can cause dementia, there are people with dementia genes who do not get the disease and those without the gene who end up getting the disease.

He highlighted that the biggest determinant factors of dementia are lifestyle-related factors. For instance, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes are risks for dementia but the overall biggest risk factor is long periods of stress in a patient’s adult life. It is important to know how to manage stress and ensure to have the right diet, especially in one’s adult life.

According to him, a Nigerian health study revealed that the more berries a person has in their diet, the less likely they are to have Alzheimer’s. The research also showed that when one is exhibiting early signs of dementia and goes for a healthy diet with lots of berries, up to 90 percent of the symptoms can be reserved.

On a final note, Dr. Ngwaba expressed that at the heart of most killer diseases is stress. Stress makes every disease worse and to get rid of any disease is to be at ease with one’s self. This can only be done if people learn to forgive and let go as well as learn to look forward and stop looking back.

From Dr. Ngwaba’s experienced teachings and solutions to diverse health issues, a quote by Thomas Edison becomes clearer “The doctors of the future will give no medicine but will interest their patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and the cause and prevention of diseases.”

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