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692m Barrels Of Crude Produced By Nigeria In 2017 – NEITI Report

The Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) says

that 692 million barrels of crude oil were produced in the country in


NEITI disclosed this in its report, ‘Pilot study on commodity trading

for 2017′ and released in Abuja.

“The total crude oil production for 2017 was 692 million barrels. Out

of this volume, the share that went to the federation was 240.9

million barrels representing 35 percent of the total crude oil

production for the year 2017.

“A trend analysis for the year under review shows that the 2017

federation share was four percent higher than the 231.6 million

barrels in the same category for 2016 but was 19 percent lower than

the 297.8 million barrels for 2015.’’

According to the report, it shows a slight improvement on the figure

for 2016, a year characterized by vandalism and sabotage of oil


It noted that crude production for 2017 was about a fifth less than

the 2015 level.

The report further showed that out of 240.9 million barrels federation

share for 2017, Domestic Crude Allocation (DCA) had 105. 9 million

barrels or 44 percent while FIRS Liftings got 57.3 million barrels or

24 percent of the share.

Also, Federation Export got 50. 2 million barrels or 21 percent of

federation share.

Third-Party financing, 17.6 million or 7 percent of federation share

and DPR liftings was 9.9 million barrels or four percent of federation


On the 105.9 million barrels DCA crude assigned for local supply of

refined products, Direct Sale Direct Purchase (DSDP) got 72. 8 million

barrels or 69 percent.

Refineries got 26. 5 million barrels or 25 percent, Product Exchange

received 4.7 million barrels or four percent while Export (an

unutilized portion of DCA) got 1.9 million barrels or two percent, the

report said.

“The total revenue from the sale of the federation share of oil and

gas for 2017 was 14.5 billion dollars—13.18 billion dollars or 90.8

percent from crude oil and 1.32 billion dollars or 9.1 percent from


“NNPC deducted N297 billion from earnings from the Domestic Crude

Allocation as costs and losses,’’ it added.

A breakdown of the deduction indicated that N141.6 billion was for

under-recovery on petroleum products, N25 billion for crude and

product losses and N130.4 billion for pipeline repairs and


“The Sum of N77.92 billion was under-remitted by NNPC to the

Federation Account from Domestic Crude Allocation in 2017.

“NNPC acknowledges the under-remittance and states that there is an

on-going reconciliation to net off the N77.92 billion from the

established Federation indebtedness to the Corporation of N797bn

arising  from KPMG Forensic audit of the Corporation at the instance

of the Federation,” it noted

On crude destination in 2017, the reports showed that the federation

crude went to 29 destinations.

It noted that the top-five destinations were India with 41.3 million

barrels (17.12 per cent}, the U.S.,  30.6 million (12.72 percent),

local refineries, 26.5 million barrels (10.98 percent),  Netherlands,

22.9 million barrels (9.5 percent)  and Spain, 21 million barrels

(8.83 percent).

It added that 60 individuals and consortiums were buyers of

federation’s crude in 2017 with the top five buyers as Duke Oil

Company, the trading arm of NNPC, which lifted 29.3 million barrels

(12.16 per cent}.

TOTSA/Total oil Trading, lifted 18.4m barrels (7.67 percent), Port

Harcourt Refinery lifted 18 million barrels  (7.49 percent),

SIR/Sahara Energy Resources lifted 15.2 million barrels  (6.32

percent) while  LITASCO SA/MRS Oil and Gas lifted 10.5 million barrels

(4.38 percent).

NEITI said the report did not cover other revenue streams from the

sector, such as Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT), royalties, signature

bonuses, dividends, penalties and fees, statutory payments, among


Commenting on the report, NEITI Executive Secretary Waziri Ado, said

other details on production and processes would be in the 2017 NEITI

oil and gas industry report to be released soon.

He said that the pilot study which was conducted by BDO, an

international auditing and advisory firm, covered four government

agencies and 73 companies, the News Agency of Nigeria reports.

“The 73 companies were six bilateral companies, 13 international

trading companies, four trading arms of international oil companies,

25 Nigerian trading companies, two NNPC trading companies, nine

refineries, and 14 DSDP contractors,’’ Adio added.

